Amplifying Consumers’ Voice: The FTC’s Complaint Website Redesign
with Devesh Raval
Accepted at Marketing Science.

Community Colleges and Careers: Evidence from Nursing School Lotteries
Labour Economics, 2024. 90(1).
Pre-publication version

Selection into Identification in Fixed Effects Models, with Application to Head Start
with Doug Miller and Na'ama Shenhav
Journal of Human Resources, 2023. 58(5): 1523-1566.
Pre-publication version

Admissions Policies, Cohort Composition, and Academic Success: Evidence from California
Journal of Human Resources, 2023. 58(4): 1242-1272.
Pre-publication version
Short research summary

Do Postsecondary Training Programs Respond to the Labor Market?
Journal of Human Capital, 2022. 16(4): 461-487.
Pre-publication version

Capacity and Flexibility in CTE Programs: Program Offerings and Student Success
with Michal Kurlaender and Ann Stevens
Research in Higher Education, 2022. 63, 14-188.

In-State Tuition Policies and the College Decisions of Undocumented Students: Evidence from Colorado
with Annie Hines
Education Finance and Policy, 2022. 17(2), 232-254.
Short research summary
Pre-publication version

The Effect of Local Labor Market Downturns on Postsecondary Enrollment and Program Choice
with Andrew Foote
Education Finance and Policy, 2020. 15 (4): 592-621.

The Returns to a Large Community College Program: Evidence from Admissions Lotteries
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2020. 12 (1): 226-53.
Link to code

Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges
with Michal Kurlaender and Ann Stevens
Journal of Human Resources, 2019. 54(4), 986-1036.
Pre-publication version
Online Appendix

The Effect of Lower Transaction Costs on Disability Insurance Application Rates and Participation
with Stephanie Rennane and Andrew Foote.
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2019. 38(1), 99-123.
Pre-publication version

Locate Your Nearest Exit: Mass Layoffs and Local Labor Market Response
with Andrew Foote and Ann Stevens.
ILR Review, 2019. 72(1), 101-126.
Pre-publication version
Link to code


Relaxing Electoral Constraints in Local Education Funding
with Ross Milton
Revisions requested at Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

Fraud Across Borders
with Devesh Raval
Under review.

Disparities in School Construction Spending Within Districts
with Ross Milton

The Effect of the Great Recession on Federal Student Loan Borrowing and Repayment
with Tomás Monarrez


Community Colleges and Positive Local Labor Demand Shocks
with Andrew Foote and Cody Orr


A Portrait of Student Parents in the California Community Colleges
with Sherrie Reed, Michal Kurlaender, and Susanna Cooper.
UC Davis Wheelhouse Brief. Volume 6, Number 2. 2021.

Granting In-State Tuition to Undocumented Students Increases Their Rates of College Attendance
with Annie Hines
UC Davis Center for Poverty and Inequality Research Policy Brief. Volume 9, Number 7. 2021.

The Mismatch between College Training and Worker Demand
Inside Higher Ed. 2019.

How workers exit the labour market after local economic downturns
with Andrew Foote and Ann Stevens.
VoxEU. 2015.

Community College Career Technical Education Programs Significantly Increase Earnings
with Michal Kurlaender and Ann Stevens.
UC Davis Center for Poverty Research Policy Brief. Volume 4, Number 5. 2015.

Where Kids Go: The Foreclosure Crisis and Mobility in Washington, D.C.
with Jennifer Comey
Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2011.

Smallest Victims of the Foreclosure Crisis: Children in the District of Columbia
with Jennifer Comey
Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2010.

State of Latinos in the District of Columbia
with Jennifer Comey, Peter Tatian, Rosa Maria Castaneda, and Lesley Freiman
Report for the District of Columbia Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2010.

Child Care Choices of Low-Income Working Families
with Ajay Chaudry, Juan Pedroza, Heather Sandstrom, Anna Danziger, Molly Scott, and Sarah Ting
Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2010.

Every Kid Counts in the District of Columbia: 16th Annual Fact Book 2009
with Jennifer Comey, Kaitlin Franks, David Price, and Lesley Freiman
Washington, DC: Annie E Casey Foundation. 2010.

Foreclosures in the Nation's Capital 2009
with Kathryn Pettit, Mary Cunningham, G. Thomas Kingsley, Leah Hendey, Jennifer Comey, and Liza Getsinger
Prepared for the Fannie Mae Foundation. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2009.

Housing in the Nation's Capital 2009
with Kathryn Pettit, Mary Cunningham, G. Thomas Kingsley, Leah Hendey, Jennifer Comey, and Liza Getsinger
Prepared for the Fannie Mae Foundation. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2009.

Evaluation Matters: Lessons from Youth-Serving Organizations
with Mary Kopczynski Winkler and Brett Theodos
Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2009.

Every Kid Counts in the District of Columbia: 15th Annual Fact Book 2008
with Jennifer Comey and David Price
Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. 2008.


I am the Dark Knight of Data, according to the Washington Post.